Every issue of The Loop contains opportunities for readers to express themselves through visual art,
and this season of Creative Expressions is a collection of some of the art pieces we've received.

Each episode is a variety, containing cover art submissions, Creative Connection contributions,
and other pieces readers were inspired to create in response to The Loop.

Enjoy and check back for more pieces as episodes are added!

Featuring pieces from: Anonymous (SC), Karissa Tarr (CA), Brittany S.V. (ND), Bobby Joe T. (SC), Lana C. (SC), Antiwonne G. (OH), Eugene B. (PA), Eric Y. (SC), Raymond R. (PA)

Featuring pieces from: Jarrod Buford (PA), Eric Rieb (SC), Gary Farlow (SC), M. Sanchez (MI), R.D. Bryant (WV), Vira G. (IL), Philip T. (PA), Jennifer R. (CA), Lana C. (SC), Crystal K. (PA), B. Thomas (SC), Ernest W. (OH), James G. (AZ)

Featuring pieces from: Milan Ross (AZ), Adrian Gamiochipe (CA), Michael Buchalla II (NC), A. Dayvault (SC), Debbie S. (PA), Demetrius H. (OH), James W. (NC), James B. (OH), Jaime M-S (NC), Michael G. (OH)

Features pieces by: Earl G. (PA), Elena H. (PA), Jillian R. (PA), Kelsha B. (PA), R. Churchill (PA), Luke H. (MT), Anne Marie R. (PA), Dormen Lisby (PA), R. Hamilton (OH), and Tony M. (SC)

Features pieces by: Raymond R. (PA), Sommer B. (PA), Brian B. (PA), Jason M. (NC), Daniel M. (MI), Leroy J. (OH), Caspian M./Destiny H./Harmony M. (PA), James B. (ND), Adam K. (AZ), Luis R. (NC), Christian L. (PA), Eugene B. (PA), Ryan R. (OH), and Gary F. (SC)

Featuring pieces from: Charles Swint (PA), Sonia Stevens (NC), Rudolph Churchill (PA), Brian B. (PA), Summer S. (PA), Bianca F. (PA), Eugene B. (PA), Gary F. (SC), Jake D. (ND), Joseph L. (PA), Joshua P. (SC), Matt J. (PA), Zachary E. (PA), Marchell B-W (NC), Marcus J. (OH)

Features pieces by: Chontelle Shirk (PA), Joshua Parham (SC), T.J.C. (SD), Douglas T. (AR), Jeffery A. (NC), Eugene B. (PA), Kendric K. (NC), Brian B. (PA), Patricia B. (PA), Marchell B.W. (NC), Kasheyon L.C. (PA), Kelsha B. (PA), Adam K. (AZ), Summer S. (PA), Gary F. (SC), Rebecca G. (IL) & Jordyn M. (PA)

Featuring pieces from: Mike Williams (PA), Alisha Klinger (NY), James Bryson (OH), K. Daniel O. (AR), Aaron K. (OH), Milan R. (AZ), Shannon G. (SC), Eric Y. (SC), Alyssa & Nicole (SC), Robin P. (PA), Kelsha B. (PA), Travis M. (OH)