Our interactive magazine for incarcerated readers, The Loop, is rooted in concepts and tools found in the field of Positive Psychology. Each issue explores a “Character Strength” - a classification first organized and adopted by the VIA Institute on Character - and includes various prompts to encourage reflection and self-expression through creative writing and visual art. While only a small number of pieces can be published in The Loop, this anthology provides a platform for other thoughtful, creative, evocative works to be represented. (A digital version of this is available for +500,000 incarcerated readers through our tablet-based partnership with Edovo.)

Note: With their consent, we are honored to share the voices of incarcerated individuals in this online space.
The beliefs and opinions expressed by the artists are their own and may not reflect the views of Shining Light.
Each artist retains the rights to their own original work.

To learn more about other unique applications of Character Strengths, check out our video courses that are available on tablets (for individual use) and DVDs (for group use)!