Achieving a 25% Decrease in Violent Incidents in a Maximum Security Prison

Shining Light Academy empowers participants with evidence-based skills to improve mental health and transform prison environments. This groundbreaking initiative thrives thanks to its vital partnership with the North Dakota State Penitentiary (NDSP), where the first groups were launched in 2021, amid the pandemic.

Through a uniquely designed curriculum, participants identify their strengths, set intentional goals, practice self-regulation, and develop creative writing skills. This holistic approach unlocks the potential in each individual, fostering personal growth and resilience.

The program at NDSP collaborates closely with the education department and has been particularly impactful in the Behavioral Intensive Unit (BIU, also known as The Hole). With thousands of hours dedicated to sessions and hundreds of course completions, this partnership endures due to the consistent positive changes witnessed by staff, residents, and administration alike.

Colby, Director of the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation in North Dakota, praises the initiative, saying, "Utilizing positive psychology curriculum and Shining Light facilitation results in improved prison culture. More importantly, their work transforms 'inmates' into the people they are and want to be – Dads, Brothers, Sons, Mothers, Sisters, Daughters, Friends, and Neighbors. The Wellness Recovery Accountability Plan provides the long-term aftercare plan for behavior change sustainment."

Shining Light Academy continues to shine as a beacon of hope, making a profound difference in the lives of those within the maximum security system.

  • "This program helps me with my growth as a human being. I'm happier than I've ever been just by attending this program every week. I was able to learn a new life lesson. Now I have a better understanding about my future and how to stay focused on things that really matter in life. I was a very shy person, but now I don't think I'm shy anymore. I'm ready to go and chase my dreams and goals."

    - Arnold, NDSP Academy Graduate

  • “I’m not thinking so impulsively anymore, and I’m not as wild as I used to be. I have a new way of thinking now. Strength Spotting is something I do every day and that has really impacted me. I have another friend on the tier that has done Shining Light before and he strength spots me everyday.”

    - Keegan, NDSP BIU Academy Graduate

  • “I used to be a shell of a man and a mask, not opening up to anyone. I never had support and never knew about these other options. I only knew hate. Now I know there’s something more.”

    - Louis, NDSP BIU Academy Graduate

  • "Let me start by saying that I typically write in cursive, but I decided to write this in print to make sure that whoever is reading it can read it. I really enjoyed this program, my favorite portion was the creative writing and playwriting sessions. I spent a lot of time putting our play together and I am usually very critical of my own work but everyone else seemed to really enjoy it. I am looking forward to potentially coming back to help as an assistant for the program. Thank you for all the time and effort you guys put into this, means a lot."

    - Rome, NDSP Academy Graduate

  • "I loved attending the program. Being in class was honestly the highlight of my week. Very informative and motivating. I will take the lesson and skills learned and incorporate them into my everday experiences, not just for myself but others as well."

    - Christian NDSP Academy Graduate

  • "People who come to prison are oftentimes broken people in some way or another. They have committed a criminal act that brought them to prison and for many this is a time of self-reflection and opportunity for change. For those who choose to make changes in their life, Shining Light is there to provide an evidence-based approach to change. The Shining Light team uses positive psychology to change a person’s view on themselves and others. Developing the targeted skills or behaviors for incarcerated individuals is the foundation of a better neighbor leaving prison. The skill practice of what went right today when a person is living in prison forces people in a different way of thinking. This same skill should be part of the end of shift for correctional officers. When people start looking for the good in situations, it changes the environment. The Shining Light program transforms lives creating safer prison communities resulting in safer communities when people return."

    - Colby Braun, Director of the North Dakota Department of Corrections